Follow one circle's journey through lands of hard edges, tough transformations and life-changing discoveries!
Whether you are an educator or parent working with elementary grade children, CIRCLE offers a fun learning experience in the subject areas of math and language.
CIRCLE is an engaging story for students studying geometry. Circle is on an adventure through lands of curved figures, polygons, lines, and angles. As his transformations take place, the reader BECOMES THE ARTIST in this story! Also included are a list of vocabulary terms, common core standards, writing exercises engaging the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy, and more! This downloadable story is perfect for one-on-one instruction or can be duplicated for group projects, and is suitable for lower elementary with guidance, or upper elementary kids working independently. By subscribing, you will also receive my monthly newsletter with updates about my upcoming picture book, THE STAR FESTIVAL, and reflections about my path to publication. CCSS3.G.A.1
Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories. CCSS3.NF.A.1 Understand a fraction 1/𝘣 as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into 𝘣 equal parts; understand a fraction 𝘢/𝑏 as the quantity formed by 𝘢 parts of size 1/𝘣. |