This year, I signed my first-ever children's book contract. As I begin to share my path to publication, the reflection feels like a series of journal entries where I ponder; How did I get here? What have I learned? Is there a point in sharing my story? I answer these questions and examine my past. How I navigate and write about the world gives me a clearer picture of who I am. Reoccurring themes surface and shout, "Here I am! Deal with me!" I realize the importance of this reflection as I face the next phase of becoming a published author, areas that I find even more intimidating and challenging, social media, book promotion, and illustration. As one path takes off, others begin. I remind myself that it takes time and patience to learn new skills and embark on new journeys. But, if I didn't already know my history, it would seem that my path to getting a contract happened overnight -bada boom, bada bing! And I say that knowing my publication date is set for the Spring of 2021 and anything can happen! But here goes ... In June of 2019, I retired from a long teaching career working with students with extreme medical needs. On my last day, a fellow teacher announced my transition and goals to a large group of teachers. Imposter syndrome colored me red. With not much to show as a writer, I wished the moment to pass quickly. But a mere eight months later, I was offered a picture book contract with Albert Whitman and Company. It was as if I had planned it. Retire and switch to a writing career! Easy, peasy. But wait, I did plan it –only thirteen years ago! While I celebrated the small chunk of time it took to acquire a contract AFTER my retirement, my brain rewound ... 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, and finally, 2006. Important choices I made after my retirement contributed to the whirlwind of this last year, but the backbone of the story is that it was a layering of choices that readied me for this moment. I hope you follow me on my journey as I continue to piece together the small victories and weighty struggles that created the path I am on, how I found the strength to forge ahead, and how I plan to learn, grow, and succeed in this challenging business. TAKE AWAY: Whatever you are doing, whatever you are seeking, whatever goals you are setting, and where ever you want to be, START NOW! NEXT ISSUE: 2019 - The Year of "It" Happening!
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